Fair and Balanced |
I'm Fair and Balanced, why aren't you?
The Daily Show's take (QuickTime format) on the issue. See BoingBoing for more Fair and Balanced insight.
Didja miss me? |
Denied! |
I guess I hit "Rebuild" too many times in a short period. I was editing my RSS Feeds page.
Update 2:40pm: Guess the 72Hrs. thing was a lie. I'm back in business.
Dead or Alive? |
Reversal of Fortune is on right now and we were wondering whether Sunny Von Bulow was still alive. Google turned up a great site DeadOrAliveInfo.com.
The web design isn't great but they have a decent number of people listed and have interested groups of info (People Alive Over 85, Died on this Date). I like the Dead or Alive icons, too.
I Was a Slashdot Zombie |
This Slashdot Zombie flash animation is great. I think I mentioned this to some people before but I was pissed because I couldn't find it again. I rediscovered it because it got an honorable mention as a Slashdot t-shirt design (it's not that animated.)