Fruit Bat Love

A One Act Play

by Extra


PETER: An attractive, amiable, man in the later half of his college career.

MARISOL: A very attractive, fair skinned, quirky woman also in the later half of her college career.

BILL: Peter's housemate and friend of both of them.


A fall at the end of the '80's.


SETTING: The stage is clear but in front of the audience there is either a row of empty chairs or the front row of the theater is empty except for PETER and MARISOL sitting on the right aisle. if the chairs must be on the stage, the stage has a platform running along the back which is about three feet high and at least three feet wide to serve as the "stage's" stage.

AT RISE: PETER is in the inner seat asleep and MARISOL, in the aisle seat, has just awaken.

(MARISOL stretches as she wakes up
and looks around the theater.)

Peter. (shoves him lightly) Peter!

PETER (shudders awake)
Wha? What is it?

We fell asleep. The movie's over.

Oh, oh yeah. Well I don't mind, I've seen "Strange Brew" about six times anyway.

Peter, look around us, there's no one here.

Well. not too many people came to the Max Von Sydow Film Festival in the first place and then most of them took off after "Pelle the Conqueror" ended.

MARISOL (a little annoyed)
Peter, there's no one here! I think they closed the theater. Here, look what time it is.

(MARISOL pulls a pocket watch out of
a pocket by a silver chain and holds
the watch up. In LED numbers, it
reads 4:07 am. PETER searches in his
jacket and around his seat for his

I think the program said this was supposed to end at three. I guess they didn't look around too much. Hey, I wonder if we're locked in?

Oh, I hope not, I want to go exploring. (excited) I know, why don't we go to Times Square!

PETER (chuckles)
I don't think that's a real genius idea. I don't feel that adventurous.

MARISOL (jumps up)
Then let's get up on the stage!

(MARISOL scurries up onto the stage
starts dancing around PETER puts his
feet on Marisol's chair and faces
stage left)

PETER (sighs)
Look at her, she's so, full of life. We've always had fun, I just can't believe I didn't see how wonderful she is before! (konks head) What a bonehead! (faces up stage) Marisol! Do the batdance!

You mean some sort of Prince cavort?

No, that funky thing from one of the King Tut episodes, remember?

MARISOL ("light bulb" over head)
Oh, oh yes! Well aren't you going to provide some music.

(PETER begins humming/singing.
Use your imagination or watch the
aforementioned Batman episode.
As he does so, he moves to the stage
and sits on the edge, watching her
intently. Soon, he stops.)

All right, now do a righteous Pow! (MARISOL gives no one a left hook.) And a Bam! (MARISOL backhands no one with her right hand.) And of course, the Kathoom! (MARISOL does a double uppercut and falls down.)

I bet "Batmaning" is tougher than aerobics. Maybe, that's what he can do, "The Adam West Batman Workout"! The poor man has nothing better to do.

PETER (raises arms)
Ah yes, another soul saved by the glorious power of merchandising!

(MARISOL gives a small cheery laugh and
sits by Peter. PETER fidgets a bit.)

Say, what do you want to do when you get your fifteen minutes?

Well, I'll want to that my agent, and my hairdresser but most of all I'll wanna thank my Momma.(faces audience) Thank you, Momma. No, really, I don't know. Um, oh I guess I want to say something to get people to like, loosen up, y'know so they won't worry so much about what other people will think.

Wow, you make me sound blond to the brain. What I want to do is have a live TV camera in my room and to dance. But every couple of minutes, I'll jump behind my closet door, change some of my clothes, and then pop out again dancing differently. Of course, I'll need you to provide the music, because I'll need different music each time I jump out.

I think if you do that, it'll do what I want my little speech to do better than my little speech. (pause) Of course, I don't think you get a lot of choice about the circumstances of your fifteen minutes.

Well then I'll just have to be prepared.

(brief silence)

Hey, did you hear what Ian said at dinner tonight?

Was it something about the Hungarian Noodle Bake?


He said,"Jesus' dog died for your dog's sins."

(They both laugh)

MARISOL(also evangelically)
Jesus' gerbil died for your gerbil's sins.

Jesus' cat died for your cat's sins.


Jesus' bat died for your bat's sins!

(They both laugh harder)

Nooo, Bela is a very pure and innocent bat. He's almost a Saint Francis of bats.

More like Vlad the Impaler.

(PETER then mock pouts and holds his index
finger. MARISOL pats him on the shoulder.)

Awww, I'm sorry Petey, that was really my fault. I should've told you to wipe that grape juice off your hands before I let you pet him. At least he had had all of his shots.

Otherwise, I'd be lurking around pomegranate display in a black cape right now, waiting for the clerk turn the other way, when I could pounce! Mercilessly sucking the delicious fruits of their life-giving juices!

(On "pounce", PETER pounces on MARISOL
with his hands like claws, and pushes her
back. They're lying next to each other on
their sides laughing but PETER quiets
sooner and lays looking at Marisol.
Suddenly he pops back into a sitting

Y'know we should probably check the doors to see if we can get out and motor back to SUNYland.

(MARISOL jumps down from the stage)

I shall examine the doors, my dear, for I must also depart to powder my nose.

(PETER reaches down while on one
knee and kisses her hand. He then
assumes a similar tone.)

I would greatly appreciate it, my darling, and I will wait for your return with, antici.......pation.

(As she walks up the aisle, they both
fawn and blow each other kisses. When
MARISOL is gone, PETER stands and runs
his hand through his hair, looking a bit

Wow, it's kind of weird when you mean that stuff.

(During his monologue, PETER slowly
wanders around the stage. He should
be approximately at center stage
when MARISOL returns.)

Man, I thought I'd blown it there for a second. I hope she hasn't figured anything out, I hate that. But then I have another problem, what do I do? It'd suck ostrich eggs if she didn't want to deal and bugged out. Maybe I should just try to be real cool and hope it goes away. Yeah, right. I don't know maybe I should-

What are you doing, Peter?

(PETER looks up and straightens
himself a bit.)

I, uh, was practicing my soliloquies. To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to brave the slips and errors of Wheel of Fortune...

(MARISOL walks down the aisle
to the edge of the stage.)

Oh, you are truly the finest orator in all the lands. The doors are open if you want to scoot.

(PETER jumps down and they
link arms. As they walk up
the aisle, they cross their legs
over one another's, Monkees
style and start singing...)

Here we come, walking down the street...


The next scene takes place in Peter's room, where he is trying to cope with the fact that he told Marisol that he loved her. Marisol arrives and they talk about her questions and apprehensions. In the end she decides that she thinks she reciprocates some of Peter's feelings and they decide to give it a shot.

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