by Extra
"I didn't want to fucking come out here in the first place. This was all your idea. You said, 'Jake, we have to get out of here for a while, go off and chill out for a while.' I'm not saying you're wrong, I mean, we would've fuckin' killed each other if we stayed another week in that crappy room, but why'd we have to come out here? Why couldn't we have gone to Niagara Falls or a beach somewhere instead of this stupid cabin? It doesn't even have a real shower for chrissake! And now this happens and I can't even call out on the telephone for help. Who ever heard of a phone that you couldn't call out on?"
"I would've let you come out here by yourself and just gone off on my own for a while if you would've given me some of the money. I could have gone to Atlantic City or something and let you come up here by yourself. I wish your parents had just told you to fuck off, then we wouldn't be stuck out here. They're unbelievable; you run away at sixteen, call them once to get bail money, and then call them three years later with a bullshit story about wanting to clean up and straighten out in the family cabin up here in Outhouse, New York. I guess it wasn't all bullshit, I believed it. You said, 'We'll spend a couple weeks up there away from all this stress and tension. We'll bring a crate of TV dinners and some beer to keep things smooth, and everything will be okay.' You talked about how great it was up here, how it was like a painting. Some painting, all the food turns out half burnt and half frozen, it takes an hour to start a fire I can't keep going and we've only got one six-pack left to last us until Monday. I can already feel the jitters coming back. We should have brought more than beer up here, just a little junk just in case things got bad. I bet we could both use it right now."
"Damn, this is unbelievable! We've had some bad days babe, but this is king. I shouldn't have let you talk me into going on that hike. We were in no condition to play mountain goat. My feet were killing me before we got halfway up. These boots are great are for kicking in things but not for climbing over rocks. Neither am I, I'm more exhausted than that time those guys chased me up eight flights of stairs. My side felt like it was going to explode when I was carrying you back here. God, Sal why'd you have to fall! I don't know what to do, the only first aid I know is nine-one-one. Do I put your feet above your head or your head above your chest or what? I wish you were awake to talk to me. This is too much by myself, we came here to relax. God, what I'd do for a hit now."
"You'd look beautiful lying there if it weren't for that nasty gash on your forehead. Being up here has really improved your health, uh, 'til now I guess. Ha fuckin' ha, right Sal? Your mouth looks so sweet, I'd kiss you if I wasn't afraid of disturbing you or something. You've always been my pale little angel. You really weren't heavy, I'm just out of shape. I really do love that purple. It's so beautiful, your hair when its brown, looks strange by comparison. It's spread all around your head like an ad in Vogue or something. And you look so calm, so calm."