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Didja miss me?

We never lost power at work but power went out at home a little before 4pm. It came back on at 11:30pm. It was a nice night. I stayed somewhat late at work (in the air conditioning), we went to Empire Brewery for dinner (downtown and High Falls still had power) and played Scrabble by candlelight (I lost). Work has sucked for the past 3 days as we try to get the Win2k machines patched against Blaster. Application of SP4 hasn't been working well on the oldest machines and had to be reapplied.

Comments (2)


You never lost power? Man, Lou's even better than I thought. ;-)

Ha. Hardly. I think we're getting screwed on room 28. I might know today.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 15, 2003 12:07 AM.

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