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Over quota

Boy, I sure am glad Yahoo increased their free email quotas ;)

Yahoo over quota message

I don't really use the account, in part because of all the spam it receives. I didn't realize I had gone so long without checking it. It appears I last checked it in late March and in that time have received over 50,000 pieces of spam. That's not including anything their SpamGuard caught (usually 30%). Almost all of it is in a sub-folder because I have a couple of mail rules that moves the messages if, for instance, my address is not on the To: line.

My problem now is the system won't let me delete a folder with messages and I can't delete more than 200 at a time. Maybe it's time to just walk away. I've had it a long time, but the only part of "My" Yahoo that I ever use is the calendar so it'll page me. I used to use Yahoo chat a bit but now I just use AIM.

Comments (1)


Maybe if I didn't use your email address every time I signed up for something, you wouldn't get so much spam. ;-)

BTW, I can be reached at extra@yahoo.com and I really, really would like to get more information on mortgages, credit cards, low cost prescriptions, and viagra.


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