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ABC - The Reality Network

You can't quite call this an April Fool's joke because I don't think it fooled anybody but it's pretty funny.

ABC - The Reality Network

My favorite "new show" is The CAT .

Who is... THE CAT?
From the producers of The Mole comes a new challenge. Eight contestants, working together for a million dollar prize. But one of them is secretly.. THE CAT!"

Comments (3)


Better yet, "Animal Fight Club" on the same page. Fantastic.


That's hysterical. I had a smart-aleck comment ready until I went to the web page and nothing I can come up with is as funny as the picture of Boots.

Still, I think that the remaining contestants might want to zero in on whichever person randomly vomits on the carpet. That's always what my cat did.


Kevin, you missed the sidebar:

The Cat has got to be Randolph. He's the only one that didn't produce a hairball during the Violent Retching Challenge. I think it's an attempt at misdirection.

BTW, "Boots" looks a lot like our cat.

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