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Bizarre Record Covers

As you can imagine, I got this link from the April Winchell site.
Bizarre Record Covers

Here are just half of the categories!

Nice Ladies
Making Like Easier
Riding the New Wave
On the Road Again
Going Native
Fire Fire
Christmas Cheer
Wild Drums
Music for ...
Music to ...
Teen Dance Party
Golden Throats
Nice Organ
Dance Lessons w/ the Arthur Murrays
Sexy Ladies
Studly Composers
Fashion Plates
Child Prodigies
Stretching the Truth

Comments (4)


Seriously, do you actually do any "work" while you're at your desk? I mean, for cryin' out loud, I'm your boss and your blog says that you posted at 4:16pm!!!

Good think I like you (and you do all that extra work).


Good think I like you

You know there is a Preview button here. Shall we look at how many "work-related" emails I've sent between 6pm and 6am? ;-)


Is it my fault you have no life?

(Okay, now for those of you who don't work in the same department with the two of us, you might think that we're serious about this and that I'm really cracking on Mr. Extra88 here. Rest assured, I'm not. The 88 in "extra88" stands for how many hours he puts into his job each week. The guy's an animal. So don't think that I'm really busting on him - he can update his blog any darn time he likes, as long as he keeps helping me to fix all the stuff I break.)

We all love the extra88.


My mom will be so relieved.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 8, 2003 4:16 PM.

The previous post in this blog was "Music"al oddities.

The next post in this blog is Masked Wrestler Wins Japan Assembly Seat.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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