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MT trouble linking to ".mov" files

It's crazy but the software used to run this blog seems to have problems saving entries which contain links to files ending in ".mov" (QuickTime movies). This is why I didn't link directly to the new Animatrix QuickTime movie. If I tried to save the entry containing a URL ending in ".mov," the form submission would never finish and eventually just stop. If I changed the ".mov" to ".html," the entry saved as quickly as it ever does.

Other people seem to link to QuickTime movies without problems so I wonder what the deal is.

Comments (2)


Hey, someone's having the same problem as me! Did you ever find a fix for this?

I didn't find a fix but I just tried it again and didn't have a problem. I've updated MT a couple of times since April 2003 so I assume they fixed it somewhere along the way.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 4, 2003 7:01 PM.

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The next post in this blog is SARS-a-licious.

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