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White Paper on FireWire port failures

This isn't strictly a Mac issue but many people have reported problems with failing FireWire ports on their Macs.

FireWire Port Failures in Host Computers and Peripheral Devices

This guy makes a lot of FireWire devices (we have one at work for connecting a 2.5" laptop hard drive to FireWire) and should know what he's talking about.

Comments (1)


That article is really well done and calmed some of my fears. Of course, WiebeTech makes money on FireWire gear, so maybe I should be more skeptical.......nah.

The fact that FireWire devices fail is obviously concerning, but the hypothesis that most failures are the result of either bad cabling or bonehead users inserting the cable the wrong way makes me feel better.

And this:

"Always suspect the cable before suspecting a failure of the device."

Once again, the worlds of audio and computing grow closer each day. This is maybe rule #2 of audio (rule #1 is "read the manual", but I was never really good about that rule).

Nice catch on the article. I'll have to check your blog every day after I move so that I can get my IT info on.

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