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Teen girls train FBI 2B teen girls

It's an obvious problem and they chose the obvious solution. Agents are posing as teen girls online to catch pedophiles. How do the agents learn to act like a teen girl? They get teen girls to train them!

The first time the girls gave a quiz, all the agents failed.

"They, like, don't know anything," said Mary, 14, giggling.

"They're, like, do you like Michael Jackson?" said Karen, 14, rolling her eyes at just how out of it adults can be.

Putting this in my "Comp. Security" category was a bit of a stretch but, hey, knowing who you're communicating with is a part of security.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 5, 2003 1:06 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Daffy & Marvin on NASA Mars Patches.

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