« Eye Jewelry | Main | AYB - Up Set Sombody »


I finally purchased a domain name, cognize.org. I've reconfigured this blog to use the new name but the old URLs, http://www.extra.dyndns.org/~blog/, will probably keep working for a long while. I don't have any reason to get rid of that free hostname.

There may be other changes coming. The software I've been using for the blog is getting an upgrade but the licensing terms have changed and I'm not sure it'll work the way I want it to. The challenge will be to migrate the site to new software without it falling apart.

I'm also starting to get more comment spam so in the meantime I may need to take other actions, possibly turning off comments entirely (I know, it breaks your heart).

Comments (2)


It would be very, very sad to turn off the comments. However, I appear to be only person on earth who actually comments on your blog - and I use your email address when I do it - I guess that's okay. But I like to see my comments in print. Or whatever.

Anyone else ever comment here? Anyone?

Pretty much just the spammers offering penis enlargement and/or Cialis. Occasionally there's the random person who comes across some of the Kitty Porn and appreciates it.

BTW, If you put in a URL as well as an email address, only the URL is displayed so you could actually use a real address.

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(If you haven't left a comment here before, you may need to be approved by the site owner before your comment will appear. Until then, it won't appear on the entry. Thanks for waiting.)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 18, 2004 11:52 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Eye Jewelry.

The next post in this blog is AYB - Up Set Sombody.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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