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kickass video mashups

What could bring me out of my blogging hiatus? No, not nagging by certain parties but the fine blending films and characters.

First, it's Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing featuring Sesame Street characters in the form of Fisher-Price Little People figures. Mr. Hooper is Sal, Ernie is Mookie, my man Bert is Radio Raheem. My sick little mind anticipated Prairie Dawn as Tina (Rosie Perez) in the ice cube scene but they didn't go there. NSFW if you work in a an F-bomb free environment.

What do you get when you combine audio from a Boogie Nights trailer with footage from Stars Wars (from all three of the "good ones")? A mashup full of awesome! Luke is Dirk, Ben Kenobi is Jack (Burt Reynolds), Leia is Rollergirl, you get the idea. SFW, unless you work in a church.

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But what if you do work at a church?



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 4, 2007 1:35 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Requiem For A Day Off.

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