I'd like have a web page which is more than a digital pamphlet and learning about CGI is part of that. Not much luck so far so if you want to help, write me
- Yahoo- CGI- Common Gateway Interface
- Why go hither and yon when there's lots in one spot?
- Yahoo - Languages:Perl
- Seems like a good language to learn and probably what I'll try to use for CGIs.
- Yahoo - WWW:Programming:Perl Scripts
- More Perl stuff.
- CGI Form Handling in Perl
- This is what I've been going on about.
I can avoid knowing almost anything about UNIX and still have this page but I want to know.
- unix.html
- index.html
- UT's Unix help
- Man Page Search Thingie
- Read those Unix man pages without leaving the comfort of your browser.
- UNIX Reference Desk
- Internet and UNIX Dictionary