HAL'sEyeExtra - ordinary

Check out Fringeware because they're cool and because they were kind enough to give me my first shot at web publishing. I wrote some reviews of films which appeared at the SXSW film festival in Austin. My Reviews I've put them up here but they are still located within TazMedia. When I tell them I've put them up here they may erase them and put in a link.
Here's the schedule of all the films which showed at the film festival this year. There's a one sentence synopsis for many of these to give you a little clue about what they are.

It's still sort of a mess but here's my whole list of bookmarks as of 8/16/95 Bookmarks
Here's my what I check a lot, with descriptions Bookmarks: The Short Form

Vanity Press

Fictional stuff I've written.

A morsel of Extra info

UT@Austin is my new net.home but my alma mater is Trinity College. I even still know a person or two there. Check out the Trincoll Journal, a most excellent webzine that I wish existed when I was still attending.

Extra Advice

If you want to have an easy time making web pages while working on a Mac, get the shareware program Web Weaver. It's not perfect but it does make it a lot simpler. And it supports Help Balloons.

Yeah, there isn't much here but send your comments to: extra@mail.utexas.edu

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