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... Naturally

I'm living the bachelor life again which pretty much sucks. The cat didn't even sleep on the bed so he knows something's not right. So it's amidst this cheerful attitude that I pour myself a bowl of Cheerios and discover there's no milk! Left with just my OJ, I browsed for a while then went back in the kitchen to find the bowl of Cheerios still sitting there. Am I just projecting my current attitude or is there something really lonely about a bowl of dry Cheerios sitting on the counter?

Comments (1)


Yeah, the bowl of dry cheerios on the counter is pretty honkin' lonely. There's nothing cheery about those cheerios, my friend.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 2, 2003 8:41 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Fair and Balanced.

The next post in this blog is Still Love Longo.

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