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Still Love Longo

I've dug Robert Longo's work since I saw an exhibition in the early Nineties. So much of his imagery is so powerful. He's probably best known for his "Men in the Cities" pieces which are life size charcoal drawing of men and women in business attire each in the midst of some tremendous bodily movement. Are they dancing? Falling? Were they shot? The lack of any spatial context makes the question unanswerable.

I assumed that since he made Johnny Mnemonic he would have "gone Hollywood" given up on his art but after seeing these charcoal drawings, "Monsters," from a couple of years ago, I decree he's still got It.

(Yeah, okay, they're not "Photos" but I don't want to keep making new categories.)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 6, 2003 1:57 AM.

The previous post in this blog was ... Naturally.

The next post in this blog is My First Omelet.

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