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My First Omelet

Okay, maybe not, I might have tried it 10 years ago or something but if there was a last time it didn't work out, otherwise I would've been making omelets.

It looked pretty good. I was using a brand new non-stick pan so that made flipping it pretty easy. How did it taste? It was all right, good for a first try. Not quite done enough in the middle.

My first omelet

Comments (2)


That's a fine looking omelet, but what's up with the plate? Isn't it just a little girly? ;-)

BTW, featuring your breakfast fare on the blog is a pretty substantial indicator that you are one seriously lonely dude. The bowl of dry cheerios has nothing on the omelet photo making the blog.

The plate, yeah, before we left Austin we traded a couple of cheap chairs for this dish set, replacing our hand-me-down mix 'n match dishes. They're pretty cheap but I kind like them, I feel like everything I eat should include mango salsa.

I disagree about the omelet's placement on the lonely scale. I think photographing your food is a standard photo-blog thing to do.

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