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Katamari check

Someone had Katamari Damacy checks made. They are awesome. I heard about Katamari Damacy ages ago but only played it in December. I received the sequel, We Love Katamari, for Christmas but I haven't played it yet (I received other games as well).

I've finally gotten sick this season and would like nothing more than to stay home to roll around a ball picking up tacks, matchboxes, mice, milk bottles, cats, fences, children, street vendors, trees, houses, bridges and clouds. Instead, I'll wear my manager hat, re-image PowerBooks, and herd cats discussing an upgrade to a major FileMaker database, all while trying not to drip on things. Today is definitely a no-tie day.

Comments (1)


Curtis is sporting a tie in the new position. I would like to see that. ;-)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 27, 2006 7:51 AM.

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The next post in this blog is I swear it's not an April Fool's Joke.

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