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I swear it's not an April Fool's Joke

I found out from a blog about one crazy poll on cnn.com:

Who would you rather have overseeing operations at U.S. ports?
Arab-based ports company
U.S.-based mafia

I'm accustomed to their poll questions having limited, poorly phrased choices where choosing either feels like a lie but this is takes the cake. The punchline? Voters pick the mafia almost 2-to-1! I didn't think the Dubai ports deal should get a rubber stamp but, hello? Mafia?

The poll was associated with a story about organized crime connections with the Longshoremen's union. Mafia on the waterfront? I never heard such a thing! What's next, wiseguys involved in garbage collection? Go on, pull the other one.

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Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Nicely done.

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