August 02, 2004
This is pretty funny, they're cartoons inspired by the subject lines from spam mesages.
p.s. Happy 100th entry!
p.p.s. Well that's pretty lame, leaving the URL out and on my 100th entry too!
April 25, 2004
April 08, 2004
War President
Wow, this is amazing. This photomosaic of President Bush is apparently comprised of the faces of all the American military personnel who have died in Iraq. The original creator of this picture didn't have the bandwidth to handle all the downloads, especially the larger versions (this is the smallest), but others have mirrored it and it's showing up lots of places (I saw it on boingboing who got it from Michael Moore who got it from the original guy, "Joe."
April 02, 2004
Thorax Cake
This is really cool and gross; it's a cake made to look like guts. Actually it's many cakes, one for each organ, and each oozes a different colored & flavored sauce. The ribs are white chocolate!
February 07, 2004
February 02, 2004
Zombie Infection Simulation
This is a zombie variation of the classic computer game of Life. Pretty entertaining and it reminded me of an entertaining book I leafed through while at B&N, The Zombie Survival Guide : Complete Protection from the Living Dead.
January 26, 2004
"No court would convict me"
Just your run-of-the-mill annoying person vengance fantasy but it's still funny.
January 24, 2004
"Hey Ya," Charlie Brown!
I hope you're not sick of the super-infectious "Hey Ya" by OutKast because this is a beaut.
A couple of fellows made a music video for the song using nothing but clips from A Charlie Brown Christmas
November 20, 2003
What NOT to get me for Christmas
As you may or may not know, I'm especially squeemish when it comes to exposed brains. I once was channel surfing and Discovery or TLC was showing brain surgery and I started hyperventilating. I've gotten better about it but I still wouldn't want to go to Hannibal. Anyway, this brain gelatin mold is just the thing to not get me for Christmas.
November 11, 2003
Again, too late for Halloween
This U.S. Customs article from 2001 has pictures of people trying to cross the border in or as parts of a car.
November 03, 2003
The Condensed Playboy
Really interesting images (SFW) created by taking all the Playboy centerfold images for each decade (60s-90s) and combing them. There's not a lot you can say about changes over time other than average skin tones and hair color have become lighter over time.
The artist, Jason Salavon, does a lot of work involving such extreme digital manipulation.
October 24, 2003
I had forgotten about this but it popped up again on BoingBoing. I know a lot of people think the octodog looks gross but I like it. I think food should come in more shapes, including cephalopods (yes, I had to spell check that), as long as the food isn't an actual cephalopod. Ick.
October 19, 2003
Super Barrio!
I was 'blog browsing and came across a post about London's Angle-Grinder Man. Angle-Grinder Man isn't much of a superhero but he reminded the blogger of other "single-issue" heros including Super Barrio! While most people could come to blows over who is the greatest masked Mexican wrestler, everyone can root for Super Barrio!
September 07, 2003
My First Omelet
Okay, maybe not, I might have tried it 10 years ago or something but if there was a last time it didn't work out, otherwise I would've been making omelets.
It looked pretty good. I was using a brand new non-stick pan so that made flipping it pretty easy. How did it taste? It was all right, good for a first try. Not quite done enough in the middle.
September 06, 2003
Still Love Longo
I've dug Robert Longo's work since I saw an exhibition in the early Nineties. So much of his imagery is so powerful. He's probably best known for his "Men in the Cities" pieces which are life size charcoal drawing of men and women in business attire each in the midst of some tremendous bodily movement. Are they dancing? Falling? Were they shot? The lack of any spatial context makes the question unanswerable.
I assumed that since he made Johnny Mnemonic he would have "gone Hollywood" given up on his art but after seeing these charcoal drawings, "Monsters," from a couple of years ago, I decree he's still got It.
(Yeah, okay, they're not "Photos" but I don't want to keep making new categories.)
July 16, 2003
Aaaaah! Webcam!
I just found an open source webcam driver which supports my USB 3com HomeConnect (aka Vicam) in OS X, macam.
I don't care to take pictures of myself but thanks to a QuickTime component, the camera is supposed to work with many webcam apps, including the iChat AV beta (using another bit of software called iChatUSBCam which enables the use of USB cams with it). I'll probably use it when my sweetie goes back to school. I'll hold the cat up to it.
The picture quality isn't great at some resolutions but it's surprisingly good at 640x480 and the framerate is quite good. This picture of my eye is from the webcam but the blue cast to it was an effect I added. The framerate is better than it was using the official Vicam software under OS 9 (it was always good under Windows). Supporting this camera was quite a feat, considering it had to be completely reverse engineered. They even got the little snapshot button on the top to work!
The camera a too bulky to strap to the back of the cat and the USB cable would cramp his style but I hope to use some motion detection + video capture software to get some living room Mutual of Omaha footage while I'm at work.
Spy cams used for animal-eye view
This is pretty cool. This video artist has been using tiny cameras in strange places for a while but now he's focusing on putting them on the heads of animals.
April 29, 2003
KFC in a "war zone"
No, not the Middle East, Northern Ireland. I was interested in seeing this picture because Leah saw this herself when she visited but she didn't get a shot of it.
April 25, 2003
April 19, 2003
This is almost anti-kitty porn. This site has pictures of cats with various "evil" looks and bad attitudes. This one's all for you, Kevin.
A Cute Kitten
I had to make a new category. I feel bad starting off this category with a kitty other than my own but it was a spur of the moment thing.
Warning: I had to make a thumbnail picture for this by hand because even at a reduced size, some people will not be able to cope with the level of cuteness displayed here.
March 27, 2003
Uploading files
So here's something Kung-Log can't do. You can upload files with Kung-Log but it can't use the optional image manipulation features of the blog server. By uploading a picture through the web interface, I can choose to have a thumbnail image like this one automatically created which can then be linked to the original uploaded picture (which is big, btw).